Sunday 17 December 2023

15th Light Dragoons

thanks to Jack Fortune for the below text.

"On the 10th of June, 1799, the regiment was reviewed by His Majesty near Reading; its appearance and discipline were commended, and on  the following day, authority was given for the officers and soldiers to wear scarlet feathers in their helmets as a distinction.' 

 'A Historical Record of the Fifteenth,or The King's Regiment Of Light Dragoons, Hussars,  (Richard Cannon. 1841)

Replacing the regulation red and white hackle, this was reportedly granted in recognition of their  service at the battle of Villers-en-Cauchies in April 1794  when, as part of the Duke of York's expeditionary force in the Low Countries, the regiment charged together with the Austrian Hussars, and defeated a very large company of the enemy. The honorary distinction 'Villiers-en-Couchies' was awarded in 1817

See also 'History of the XV Kings Hussars 1759-1913'  (H.C.Wylye 1914)

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