Tuesday 9 May 2023

Episode 26 Castiglione 1796 at Salute50 April 2023

 Video by Gary Wills author of Throwing Thunderbolts (see below) talks us through his display of Castiglione 1796 at Salute this year. He used DBN rules

This video describes the game that James and I took to Salute 50 in April 2023. The game is one of the scenarios in my new book Throwing Thunderbolts - a Wargamer's Guide to the War of the First Coalition 1792-7. The game uses the DBN rules at half scale in which each base represents 1000-1250 infantry, 500 - 625 cavalry or 9 guns. The game uses approximately 300 15mm figures from Miniature Figurines, Chariot Miniatures and Sho Boki. The campaign of Castiglione represented the first of four Austrian attempts to relieve the French siege of Mantua.

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